The Classical Orchard desires to continue to expand our core subject offerings for local 9th-12th grade students by providing valuable classroom experience with qualified and engaging instructors. These classes will help parents fulfill Kansas educational requirements for graduation as well as offer rotating electives.
Planning is underway for the 2025 -2026 school year. We invite the homeschool community to complete this form by January 18th. We want to hear from you! We appreciate your feedback and suggestions on the form below. Our goal is to have classes ready to promote by Feb 15th.
Additionally, we would like to welcome Jada Sharp, our incoming HS co-director for 2025-2026! Jada will co-direct with Kendra Campbell next year!
A HUGE thanks to our creative, steady, and faithful current co-director, Laura Estes, as she steps down from her Director role in May! We are incredibly thankful for Laura Estes' commitment and leadership in co-directing HS this past year and a half! The current HS team alongside the incoming co-director will begin to meet as we look forward to another great year!
Emily Weddle & Orchard Highschool team