The Classical Orchard

Teacher Interest Form

indicates a required answer

This form is step 1 in the application process. You will be contacted by an Orchard Team Member after form submission.

1. *

Name (First, Middle Initial, & Last Name):

2. *

Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy):

3. *


4. *

Phone Number: 

5. *

How did you hear about us?

6. *

Church Affiliation:

7. *

Provide two references

  • One from Christian perspective
    • Name of person
    • Years known
    • Email address
    • Phone number
  • Second from a business associate or personal reference
    • Name of person
    • Years Known
    • Email address
    • Phone number
8. *

Please select your highest level of Education:

 (1 required)
High School Diploma College Degree
Advanced Degree
9. *

What grades are you interested in teaching? 


*Please specify in question 10 if the course is an upper level high school class. 

 (1 required)
Junior High High School
PreSchool Nursery
10. *

What courses are you interested in teaching? 

*Please be as detailed as possible. 

11. *

Are you currently homeschooling or have homeschooled in the past? 

12. *

Have you taught in a co-op setting before? Tell us about this experience. 

13. *

What makes you interested in teaching at a Christian homeschool community?

14. *

Teacher Bio: 

Please tell us a little bit about yourself. 

15. *

Teacher Photo: 

Allowed extensions: csv, doc, docx, dot, gif, heic, heif, htm, html, jpeg, jpg, m4a, mov, mp3, mp4, pdf, png, pps, ppt, pptx, pub, rtf, svg, txt, xls, xlsx, yyz, zip
16. *

Have you read and agree with our Statement of Faith? Statement

Yes No
17. *

Have you read and agree to our Prospective Teacher Overview?

Prospective Teachers PDF

Yes No
18. *

What information would you like to receive from us?